We've found this week's great list from BigGreenSwitch.co.uk
Oh dear... we are amongst the most energy wasteful people in- Don't leave appliances on standby
- Keep your fridge and freezer full
- Only boil as much water as you need
- Turn your thermostat down by 1oC
- Wash your laundry at lower temperatures
- Switch off lights when a room is not in use
- Use the washing line instead of the tumble dryer
- Unplug chargers and power supplies when not in use
- Shower instead of bathing
- Only use the washing machine when you have a full load to wash
- Defrost your freezer regularly to keep it running at top performance
If we can do just a number of the above, it will make a big difference! Many of the ideas above you'll see in Birchway's Green Charter. More information to follow soon.
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