A London property developer and landlord has been fined £10,000 at City of London Magistrates Court after workers on two of his developments were put at risk. The court heard how Mr Mohamed failed on both sites to appoint a competent contractor and failed to take reasonable steps to ensure that proper arrangements were in place for work to be managed safely - putting workers and neighbours at risk. Open flames were used at Chingford Mount Road site, which is close to a petrol station, but there were no fire extinguishers on site. Inspectors also found that scaffolding at the property was substandard or missing and had insufficient guard rails, while 240 volt power tools were used in areas where the cables were likely to be damaged, creating a risk of electrocution and fire. Domestic quality cables were also run through damp areas. HSE inspectors ordered works to down tools after visiting the site.
Interesting, I note the HSE took the action even though there were no incidents or accidents on site. Prevention is better that cure.